Odessa stands for the ‘Organisation der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen’, in English — ‘Organisation of Former SS Members’. Omissions? Die Odessa of ODESSA is ’n kodenaam (van die Duitse naam Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen, "Organisasie van Voormalige SS-lede") wat in 1946 geskep is vir ’n moontlike ondergrondse Nazi-ontsnappingsplan aan die einde van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog.Dit sou SS-offisiere in staat stel om met vals paspoorte uit Europa te ontsnap na Argentinië, Brasilië en die Midde-Ooste. Er glaubt beweisen zu können, dass "die ,wahre' Odessa weit mehr war als eine abgeschottete Organisation von … Nell’operazione ODESSA anche la ricostituzione del Reich. Den 30 september 1946 förklarade krigsförbrytartribunalen i Nürnberg i sitt domslut, att hela SS var en kriminell organisation. Fondé en 1945. In short order, Odessa, built a large and reliable network geared to achieve its ends, and began operations. Namnet hämtades från den forntida grekiska kolonin Odessos.Under guvernören Armand Emmanuel du Plessis de Richelieu, senare fransk statsminister uppfördes här en stad, som 1814 hade 35 000 innevånare. Odessa ceased to exist about 1952 and was replaced by an organization called Kameradenwerke (“Comrade Workshop”), which over the following decades sought to aid former Nazis overseas in avoiding capture and maintaining concealment. Many who were guilty of war crimes escaped with the help of Odessa. Hinter der Bezeichnung Organisation ODESSA oder Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen (andere Schreibweisen Odessa, O.d.e.SS.A oder O.D.E.S.S.A.) By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. At the end of the war, only a handful of high-ranking Nazi officials stood trial. Steps have therefore been taken to lodge the less prominent party leaders as "technical experts" in various German enterprises. Odessa (acronyme de : Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen, « Organisation des anciens membres SS ») est une organisation fictive devant son nom au roman de Frederick Forsyth Le Dossier Odessa (The Odessa File, 1972). Among those attending were coal tycoon Emil Kirdorf, Georg von Schnitzler of IG Farben, Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, steel magnate, Fritz Thyssen, and banker Kurt von Schroeder. Recursos Humanos GRUMA. Wiesenthal speculates that the motive for most of the priests was what he viewed as a misguided notion of Christian charity. ODESSA'nın amacı savaş sonrası savaş suçu işlemiş üst düzey Nazi Partisi yetkilileri ve üyelerinin Latin Amerika ve Orta Doğu'ya kaçmasını gizli yollardan sağlamaktı. Fascist countries, such as Spain under Franco, as well as those in South America, became safe havens. The main escape routes were (1) through Austria and Italy, then to Franco’s Spain, (2) to Arab countries of the Middle East, and (3) to South America, especially Argentina and Paraguay, then under the right-wing regimes of Juan Perón and Alfredo Stroessner. Odessa, abbreviation of Organisation Der Ehemaligen Ss-angehörigen, (German: “Organization of Former SS Members”), clandestine escape organization of the SS (q.v.) It is known that Austrian authorities were investigating th… Der fiktive Thriller von Regisseur Ronald Neame ist eine Verfilmung des gleichnamigen Romans von Frederick Forsyth und beschreibt die Jagd eines Hamburger Journalisten auf einen Kriegsverbrecher und ehemaligen KZ-Kommandanten. Geografia fisica. As it turned out, this organization not only existed then but its seeds had been planted even before World War II ended. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Odessa-German-organization. Odessa) er kendt som "Sortehavets Perle", og er det administrative center i Odessa oblast.Odessa er en vigtig havneby, ud over Odessa havn, er der en vigtig international olieterminal i forstaden Juzjne.Mod syd-vest ligger endnu en stor havn i byen Illitjivskij.Sammen udgør de et stort transportcenter med integrerede jernbaner. Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen, Organizacja Byłych Członków SS) – założona pod koniec II wojny światowej z inicjatywy Heinricha Himmlera oraz byłych oficerów SS tajna siatka konspiracyjna, mająca na celu pomoc zbrodniarzom wojennym w ucieczce przed ścigającymi ich aliantami oraz zapewnienie im bezpiecznego życia po wojnie. A large organizational network was set up to help former SS and Gestapo members and other high Nazi functionaries to avoid arrest, to acquire legal aid if arrested, to escape from prison, or to be smuggled out of the country. NY: Grove, 1990; Lee Saunders, from “The Puzzle” project, Crystal Music International, Download our mobile app for on-the-go access to the Jewish Virtual Library, Simon Wiesenthal, Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, Nuremberg trials, South America, establishment of the state of Israel, Lee Saunders, Crystal Music International, © 1998 - 2020 American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. An underground network called "Die Spinne" (The Spider) supplied false papers and passports, safe houses, and contacts that could smuggle war criminals across the un-patrolled Swiss borders. The truth may have been obscured by antagonism between the Wiesenthal organization and German military intelligence. Het bestaan van deze club wordt officieel ontkend maar er zijn door de jaren heen voldoende feiten bekend geworden dat er wel degelijk een SS-netwerk bestond … What does ODESSA mean? Leading Nazi officials also feared retribution from the Allies and, rather than face likely punishment for their war crimes, they decided to seek safe havens outside Germany, and beyond the reach of justice. The assistance often went beyond humanitarian aid to abetting their escape. According to Wiesenthal, one Franciscan monastery, Via Sicilia in Rome, was virtually a transit station for Nazis, an arrangement made possible by a bishop from Graz named Alois Hudal. Odessa grundades 2 september 1794 på land som 1789 annekterats av Kejsardömet Ryssland från Osmanska riket.På platsen för staden fanns då endast ett enklare fort, uppfört 1764. Die entscheidende Frage, ob es sich dabei lediglich um einen plausibel klingenden Mythos oder eine tatsächlich existierende Organisation gehandelt hat oder sogar heute noch handelt, ist nicht eindeutig zu beantworten. Vă rugăm să defilați în jos și faceți clic pentru a vedea fiecare dintre ele. Allemagne. On August 10, 1944, a secret meeting of top German industrialists and bankers was held at the Maison Rouge hotel in Strasbourg to devise a means of insuring a secure future for the Nazis. The nation's wealth, much of it acquired through the plunder of the nations it invaded and the people the Nazis murdered, had to be transferred so they would be out of judicial reach, but accessible to fund a future movement to resurrect the party and build a new Reich. According to Simon Wiesenthal, the ODESSA was set up in 1946 to aid fugitive Nazis. Alte semnificații ale ODESSA În afară de Organizarea Der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen, ODESSA are alte sensuri. ODESSA hjälpte Adolf Eichmann, Erich Priebke och många andra att finna en fristad i Latinamerika. Some countries may not have known about their new immigrants' pasts, but many did and chose to look the other way. Odessa 'Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen', de organisatie van voormalige leden van de SS. The Nazis recognized that Germany's assets would fall into the hands of the rapidly approaching enemy if they were not transferred and hidden. Corrections? Die wahre Geschichte" (Verlag Assoziation A, Berlin. underground, founded probably in early 1947 in Germany. Dès 1968, le roman Magie noire à New York de Gérard de Villiers citait une organisation similaire. Historia. Sources: Simon Wiesenthal, Justice Not Vengeance. Interviews by the ZDF German TV station with former SS men suggest instead that the ODESSA was never the single world-wide secret organization that Wiesenthal described, but several organizations, both overt and covert, that helped ex-SS men. Molte sono le controversie circa l’esistenza dell’ODESSA nazista e dei suoi reali scopi. La temperatura media varia tra i -2 °C del mese di gennaio e i +22 °C che si registrano a luglio. ODESSA, je tajná organizácia pomáhajúca bývalým nacistom uniknúť justícii. ODESSA (tam ad: Organisation der ehemaligen/entlassenen SS-Angehörigen, Türkçe: Eski SS Üyelerinin Örgütü) II. The name Odessa first cropped up in Western intelligence reports in the aftermath of the war, but today its status as a real group is hotly debated. Me termin ODESSA ose me saktë O.D.E.SS.A. Once in Italy, the fugitives were out of danger, and many then dispersed around the globe. Odessa è situata su alcuni rilievi collinari che si affacciano su un piccolo porto, a 31 km a nord dell'estuario del fiume Nistro ed a 445 km a sud di Kiev.Il clima della città è di tipo temperato secco. Wiesenthal concluded that a secret organization with substantial resources had to be involved in helping these fugitive Nazis. ODESSA stands for Organisation Der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen. The war criminal Adolf Eichmann was apparently aided by Odessa in traveling to the Middle East and then to South America in the immediate postwar years. ODESSA, the Organization of Former SS Members (“Organization Der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen”), was an organization founded in 1944 with the express purpose of helping Nazi members flee Europe and escape justice. ODESSA: Organisation Der Ehemaligen SS Angehörigen letteralmente “organizzazione degli ex appartenenti alle SS” è stata l’associazione di ex SS hitleriane creata per organizzarsi la latitanza. This organization was called the "Organization Der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen" ( "The Organization of former SS members) — better known as Odessa. The ODESSA (Organisation der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen – “Organization of Former SS Members”) is a fictitious organization allegedly set up towards the end of World War II by a group of high-ranking SS officers.Fictitious because that there is not a shred of evidence that such an organization ever existed (only unsubstantiated claims and rumors). Dünya Savaşı sonlarına doğru SS subaylarının kurduğu uluslararası Nazi kuruluşu. Wiesenthal learned of Odessa accidentally during conversations with a former member of German counter-espionage who he met during the Nuremberg trials.The source said the organization was set up in 1946 after many Nazis already had been imprisoned. Des weiteren herrscht Unklarheit über den Verbleib von Teilen des sogenannten "Nazigol… Some war criminals remained in Germany and took on new identities, managing to get themselves smuggled out of Germany and to freedom during the chaos at the end of hostilities. Adolf Eichmann was one of the most notorious of the Nazis to escape Germany thanks to ODESSA, but he was eventually captured in South America by Israeli Intelligence agents and brought back to Israel to stand trial for his crimes against the Jewish people. Others, including the United States, looked to exploit the knowledge of Nazis. According to the protocol from the meeting: The party leadership is aware that, following the defeat of Germany, some of her best-known leaders may have to face trial as war criminals. In ambito storiografico l’acronimo ODESSA (da Organisation Der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen, cioè Organizzazione degli ex membri delle SS) sta ad indicare una rete formata da alti dirigenti delle SS e da collaborazionisti del Terzo Reich avente l’obiettivo di creare un’alternativa ad una condanna a morte certa. Influential Nazis vanished as they were secretly ushered out of Germany and assisted in starting new lives under false names in foreign countries. オデッサ(ODESSA)は、Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen(元ナチス親衛隊隊員のための組織、Organisation for ex-SS Members)の略称である。 目次 1 概要 Die Akte Odessa ist ein britisch-deutscher Film aus dem Jahr 1974. underground, founded probably in early 1947 in Germany. ODESSA (niem. Roman Catholic priests, especially Franciscans, helped Odessa move fugitives from one monastery to the next until they reached Rome. Odessa (acronyme de : Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen, « Organisation des anciens membres SS ») est une organisation fictive devant son nom au roman de Frederick Forsyth Le Dossier Odessa (The Odessa File, 1972).Dès 1968, le roman Magie noire à New York de Gérard de Villiers citait une organisation similaire. Routes were mapped and contacts were established. Fonds wurden von den Nazis eingerichtet um ihre Vorhaben zu finanzieren. El servicio que ODESSA nos brinda es de excelencia y los usuarios trabajadores están muy contentos con ello. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Whereas Odessa’s work was centred in Germany, Kameradenwerke’s operations were conducted in foreign lands, especially where governments were sympathetic to ultra-right-wing causes, as in Argentina, Paraguay, and Chile. Those in jail contacted friends and aid committees that had been established to promote the welfare of prisoners. Odessa (ukrainsk: Одеса, tr. The SS (Schutzstaffel): Organization of Former SS Members (ODESSA) ODESSA, the Organization of Former SS Members ("Organization Der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen"), was an organization founded in 1944 with the express purpose of helping Nazi members flee Europe and escape justice. Odessa, abbreviation of Organisation Der Ehemaligen Ss-angehörigen, (German: “Organization of Former SS Members”), clandestine escape organization of the SS ( q.v.) Acestea sunt listate în partea stângă de mai jos. Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen ("Organizácia bývalých príslušníkov SS"), skr. Odesa sau Odessa (în ucraineană Одеса, transliterat: Odesa, în rusă Одесса, transliterat: Odessa, în greacă Οδησσός, transliterat: Odissós, în turcă Hacıbey) este un important oraș și port ucrainean situat în nord-vestul Mării Negre, este, totodată reședință a regiunii omonime.Populația orașului număra 1.010.500 de locuitori la 1 august 2015. Odesa, russisk: Одесса, tr. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). (gjermanisht Organisation Der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen), shqip (Organizata ish-anëtarëve të SS), i referohet një rrjeti e përbërë nga kriminelë lufte të periudhës naziste të arratisur. Ofrecen productos con un beneficio social de muy alto impacto y han probado tener un poder muy grande en la mejora económica de nuestros trabajadores y sus familias. 400 S., 22 Euro). Hauptgeldquellen dieser Fonds waren: Leichenplünderung (Aktion Reinhardt), Geldfälschung (Operation Bernhard) und Spenden der Wirtschaft. ODESSA je zkratkové slovo pro německý název Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen - Organizace bývalých příslušníků SS, která dodnes, ale především v období po druhé světové válce umožnila mnohým příslušníkům SS uniknout potrestání a zajistila jim beztrestnost a pohodlné živobytí. By 1944, it was clear that the fortunes of war had turned against Nazi Germany. Originaltitel: Mythos Odessa"Odessa war eine verschwörerische Geheimorganisation der SS. If you are visiting our non-English version and want to see the English version of Organisation Der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen, please scroll down to the bottom and you will see the meaning of Organisation Der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen in English language. Simon Wiesenthal was certain Odessa existed (credit: Dutch national archives/wiki) Le groupe Odessa (Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen, "Organisation des anciens membres SS") aurait été fondé à la … Updates? As early as 1947, Simon Wiesenthal began to identify routes used by Nazis to escape from Germany knowing that the fugitives had little or no difficulty obtaining false papers and seemed to have enough money available to establish new lives. Many Germans began to anticipate defeat and to plan for that eventuality. ODESSA, the Organization of Former SS Members ("Organization Der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen"), was an organization founded in 1944 with the express purpose of helping Nazi members flee Europe and escape justice. Once into Switzerland, they moved on quickly to Italy, using what some called "The Monastery Route." Definiţie în limba engleză: Organisation Der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen . Le precipitazioni medie annue sono di soli 350 mm. The establishment of the state of Israel after World War II led some Arab nations to welcome Nazis who shared their hatred of the Jews in the hope they would use their experise in areas such as rocketry to tilt the balance in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The outcome of the meeting in Strasbourg was the genesis of an organization; one well-financed and well-organised, with the express purpose of helping fleeing Nazis escape justice. La plus connue de ces filières est ODESSA (organisation d’anciens membres de la SS), fondée en 1946 selon Simon Wiesenthal, qui comprenait le SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny et le Sturmbannführer Alfred Naujocks et en Argentine, dit-on, Rodolfo Freude.