course description and level - objectives, contents, lectures and/or special workloads, written/oral exam, the number of credits assigned to the course and/or the number of classroom and lecture hours, the local instructor's contacts). Please note: it is not possible to have validated 1 course taken abroad with 2 Bocconi courses; on the other hand, 2 or more courses taken abroad can be either recognized into 1 Bocconi course, or can be recognized into 1 elective without correspondence. The institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange of students and/or staff in the context of the Erasmus+ programme. The project includes: a residence hosting 300 students, the new headquarters of the SDA Bocconi School of Management and a multi-purpose sports center. GUIDE ALL'UNIVERSITA' - A.A. 2012-2013. This makes study programmes easy to read and compare for all students, both local and foreign, and, in addition, fa… They commit to respect the quality requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education in all aspects related to the organisation … Nel caso dell'accorpamento di più crediti sostenuti all'estero in sostituzione di un esame presso UniTrento, il voto finale sarà convertito in base alla media ponderata dei voti convertiti in trentesimi. Economics and Management for Arts, Culture and Communication, Economics, Management and Computer Science, Mathematical and Computing Sciences for Artificial Intelligence, Accounting, Financial Management and Control, Economics and Management in Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment, Economics and Management of Government and International Organizations, Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology, SDA Bocconi Post Experience Master Programs, language courses: for students enrolled before the a.y. The institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange of students and/or staff in the context of the Erasmus+ programme. necessary for the student to acquire the knowledge and the abilities in the education activities set out by his or her own course of study. With the University reform of 1999, a system of University Training Credits (CFU) has been introduced, which quantifies and represents the volume of work (lessons, individual study, preparation for the exam, research work, etc.) Improve your academic and English language ability. When your food has a strong aroma, you generally take smaller mouthfuls and end up eating less. Prerequisito per Informatica Moduli più complessi 1 e 5 Una buona distribuzione: 1-2-3/ 4-7/ 5-6 Prima ve ne liberate, meglio è! The project includes: a residence hosting 300 students, the new headquarters of the SDA Bocconi School of Management and a multi-purpose sports center. 1 Il livello d'uscita B1 business è possibile solo per i corsi di laurea magistrale/specialistica in Italiano (fino a coorte 2017-18) con Inglese posizionato in Piano Studi come seconda lingua. In this page you will find a #Peer2Peer guide explaining you how the program is structured, the destinations and the scores of the past years and our Exchange calculator, which will calculate your exchange score and will tell you in which destinations you would have entered the past year! Exchange students meeting the language requirements established by each Department will normally be permitted to attend courses at I PARMA01 unless they are subject to restricted enrolments. They commit to respect the quality requirements of the Erasmus Charter lor Higher Education in all aspects related to Only final grades of the third-last and second-last years of secondary school will be considered for the selection process. Quanto qui presente in aggiunta è raccolto dal sito dell’Università – senza alcun intento di appropriazione – per fornire uno strumento utile agli studenti nel processo di formulazione delle proprie scelte . 2017/18.. N.B. Third-last and second-last year GPA. For Undergraduate students, the conversion tables imply a one-to-one correspondence between every Partners grades and a Bocconi one. You may be seeing this page because you used the Back button while browsing a secure web site or application. Undergraduate and Graduate hospitality degree programs. Erasmus+ is a Programme for the education, training, youth and sport (2014 - 2020) wanted by the European Union to promote the students mobility among Universities of the European Union, the European Economic Area Countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland) and the candidate Country (Turkey). You may be seeing this page because you used the Back button while browsing a secure web site or application. After two years, the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation) System was established as a way of allowing students to have recognition for the courses followed and exams passed during exchange programmes. They are based on information given by Partner Schools about their grading distribution (percentages, curves of distribution, description of grades and if any Country specifics) and compared to the Università Bocconi grading system. Stage Internazionali. Generally speaking, 1 lecture is 90 minutes long and most of Bocconi courses are 6 credit classes. Generally speaking, if you are interested in taking part in the exchange program, please note that the examinations taken abroad are not validated at home by themselves. There is no "American grading system". Campuses in Switzerland, Spain and China. Therefore, it may not be possible to graduate in July due to the time needed to transfer exams taken abroad. After selection, it will be possible to see, through Punto Blu, the conversion table of the school you have been selected for. The requests can be submitted by students only if the Study Abroad Office has received the final and original Transcript with grades of the exams taken abroad (electronic version is allowed). One of the world’s leading hospitality schools. There is no deadline to finalize the procedure except the one given by the Academic Affairs Division by which date your exams must be registered in order to participate to a specific graduation session. 1 TABELLE DI CONVERSIONE dei VOTI A.A. 2018/2019 Il voto degli esami superati all’estero viene convertito in base alle seguenti tabelle calcolate tenendo conto degli ECTS grades.Le tabelle sono divise per area linguistica (U.K., Rep. di Irlanda, Malta, Grecia, Finlandia, Turchia, Francia, Belgio, Spagna, Bocconi University credit system is ECTS equivalent, 1 Bocconi credit corresponding to a 25-hour workload (of which 8 lecture hours). Mandatory Course Load for Exchange Students Is there a minimum number of courses students have to take? For Undergraduate students, the conversion tables imply a one-to-one correspondence between every Partners grades and a Bocconi one. Yritysasiakkaanamme saat sujuvaa palvelua sekä joustavat maksuvaihtoehdot. Students will be able to attend a single term at one of the foreign universities during their 3rd year, after passing a selection, and just during … From January 2014 the new Erasmus+ program has replaced the old programs Undergraduate and Graduate hospitality degree programs. Note Lingua Inglese * La legenda della tabella (intestazione di colonna) è disponibile a pagina 2. La conversione dei voti in trentesimi avviene seguendo la Tabella di comparazione dei voti. ... Tabella di conversione voti. Promoting the internationalization of students, teachers and administrative staff is a crucial aspect of strategy at the University of Trieste. Utile per exchange, sostitutivo esame inglese 30e lode= 7,5 Triennale, 8 al BIEMF Tabelle di conversione sul sito Corsi di preparazione nel secondo semestre grazie a B lab 4. For CLEAM - CLEF - CLES Exchange Program or Free-Mover Semester students in countries where sitting exams in English is not possible, the Bocconi Study Plan requirement is zero elective taught in English instead of 1. This international GPA calculator is intended to help you calculate the United States Grade Point Average (GPA) based on grades or points from almost any country in the world. Third-last year refers to grade 10 out of 12, or grade 11 out of 13, or Seconde Classe in the French system. Prerequisito per Informatica Moduli più complessi 1 e 5 Una buona distribuzione: 1-2-3/ 4-7/ 5-6 Prima ve ne liberate, meglio è! Con "% ECDL" si intende la media tra le percentuali conseguite nei quattro moduli necessari a The U.S. GPA is calculated on a 4.0 scale. Be aware that, particularly for courses with Bocconi correspondence, they could give you extra workload in order to fulfil the minimum course-load required. When considering the various alternatives in terms of schools and destinations, look at the information on the courses offered by the host university (indicated in the  Exchange destinations), visit  the list of courses taken abroad in the  Course history and  read the experience of the former exchange students' reports. Gabriele Pulizzi- +39 392 5075399. PLEASE NOTE: proctored exams in Bocconi once students are back from their exchange period are not allowed. 2 Comparing scores to IELTS B2 First is targeted at Level B2 on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)*. The institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange of students and/or staff in the context of the Erasmus+ programme. Campus Life 5. La richiesta di autorizzazione alla conversione dovrà essere inviata attraverso l’apposita procedura "Recognition" in Agenda yoU@B, sezione Mobilità Internazionale. Bocconi University and Padua University Bocconi University/Padua University Grades Glasgow Grade 30 e Lode A1 30 A2 29 A3 28 A4 27 A5 26 B1 25 B2 24 B3 23 C1 22 C2 21 C3 20 D1 19 D2 18 D3 16-17 E1 14-15 E2 12-13 E3 10-11 F1 8-9 F2 6-7 F3 3-5 G1 0-2 G2 Rationale Based on the majority of current Glasgow partnerships in Italy. Being based on such one-to-one association, some Bocconi grades cannot find any correspondence on some Partners' grading scales; therefore, you must be aware that not all the 13 Bocconi grades (from 18 to 30/30) can be assigned. Students can start the recognition of the exams taken abroad by entering a request through the Recognition procedure available in the yoU@B Diary. This qualification demonstrates that candidates have the language skills to live and work independently in an English-speaking The features that make it unique are its trilingualism in teaching and research, its high level of internationalisation as well as an ideal study environment guaranteed by its excellent facilities. La conversione dei voti è effettuata sulla base delle informazioni fornite dagli atenei partner secondo il sistema ECTS, comprendente la distribuzione statistica dei voti, utilizzando la tabella di conversione d’ateneo di cui all’Allegato 2 del presente Regolamento. 1) Find the course/s you wish to take abroad Starting from the a.y. Please note: the updated ECTS brochures for a given academic year are published every September.Meanwhile you can always refer to the updated course lists available here.. Luiss is one of the first universities in Europe to use the ECTS system. Cumalative school GPA calculator works with any scale, including the 4.0 scale. Facoltà di Economia . A survival guide to face one of the most anticipated steps in the life of a Bocconi student: the Exchange program. They commit to respect the quality requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education in all aspects related to the organisation and management of the mobility, in particular the recognition of the credits Second-last year refers to grade 11 out of 12, or grade 12 out of 13, or Première Classe in the French system. The time to receive the transcript can vary from school to school and in some cases, it would take up to a couple of months from the end of the term abroad. E’ possibile accorpare due o più esami esteri a copertura di un esame Bocconi, previa approvazione del responsabile del corso Bocconi o del Direttore del corso di laurea. International grade conversion to the US equivalent. The Director has to receive all the major information on the course (e.g. For students abroad in the Fall term: upon return from the exchange you have to consider that you may need to take the exams that you could not find abroad during the Fall semester. Please note: in order to give more flexibility in the courses choices, Bocconi students participating  in International programs have the possibility to modify their study plan one extra time once back from the exchange through Punto Blu available in the yoU@B student Diary. The ECTS tables and grading scale are tools designed to facilitate the transfer of academic results (expressed in terms of grades) between different national assessment systems. 2011-12, Exchange students will be able to recognize a maximum of 5 courses in Bocconi (with and/or without correspondence), apart from the credits of each course. Campuses in Switzerland, Spain and China. Online Questionnaire . Kore University is an independent private higher education institution. Informativa sui cookie Chiudi il banner Questo sito o gli strumenti terzi da questo utilizzati si avvalgono di cookie necessari al funzionamento ed utili alle finalità illustrate nella cookie policy. For students abroad in the Spring Term: consider that the Spring semesters at partner universities can finish much later than at Bocconi. Per tutti i casi non contemplati dalle tabelle di conversione allegate, si farà riferimento alle tabelle ECTS consultabili al seguente link: Non ama prede piccole od insoddisfacenti per la sua mole ma attende e caccia solo grossi bocconi . Therefore, it may not be possible to graduate in July. Their acceptance will be effective upon completion of the administrative requirements for exchange students and the approval of their Learning Agreement. Tutti i nostri materiali sono realizzati da studenti  per studenti senza alcuna intenzione di sostituire i materiali universitari. necessary for the student to acquire the knowledge and the abilities in the education activities set out by his or her own course of study. In questa pagina troverete  la nostra guida #Peer2Peer esplicativa su come sia strutturato il processo, le mete e i punteggi degli anni scorsi e il nostro calcolatore Exchange, che calcolerà il vostro punteggio exchange e vi dirà in quali mete sareste entrati un anno fa! The institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange ot students and/or staff in the context of the Erasmus+ programme. First of all, you have to know that you have to convert a minimum of 1 exam in order to have the Exchange Program validated in your Bocconi career. Il credito scolastico, da attribuire nell’ambito delle bande di oscillazione indicate dalla precedente tabella, va espresso in numero intero e deve tenere in considerazione, oltre la media M dei voti, anche l’assiduità della frequenza scolastica, l’interesse e l’impegno nella partecipazione al dialogo educativo e alle attività complementari ed integrative ed eventuali crediti formativi. Before departure you must first submit by yoU@B Diary - “Recognition"  link - an overall description of the course you wish to attend abroad to the professor responsible for the corresponding Bocconi course, in order to obtain his/her preliminary approval. TABELLA CONVERSIONE VOTI (Facoltà di Scienze bancarie, finanziarie e assicurative) FRANCIA FRANCIA/BELGIUM Equivalence 9 18 10 20 11 22 11.75 25 12.50 26 13.25 27 14 28 14.75 29 15.50 30 16 30 Over16 30 e lode Students attending the Università degli Studi di Perugia on a European exchange programme can transfer ECTS credits obtained in Italy back to their Home University to be counted towards their degree (be it a first, second, third cycle). A survival guide to face one of the most anticipated steps in the life of a Bocconi student: the Exchange program. There is a fairly common 0.0-4.0 scale for "grade-point averages", but the meanings of those GPA differ significantly among different US universities, among different departments at the same university, and in some cases, even between different instructors of the same course. Moreover, some courses can not be validated: compulsory courses from another specific degree course, other courses: students initially enrolled starting  from  a.y.2016-17/2017-2018. Opening of Academic Year 2019/2020 and Bocconi's Urban Campus. If you choose this courses you do not need to get any preliminary approval: these courses will be automatically registered into your study plan. Erasmus+ Studio – Outgoing students The institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange ot students and/or staff in the context of the Erasmus+ programme. Utile per exchange, sostitutivo esame inglese 30e lode= 7,5 Triennale, 8 al BIEMF Tabelle di conversione sul sito Corsi di preparazione nel secondo semestre grazie a B … 14 > 80 30 cl 80 13 76 - 80 30 cl 76 12 73 - 75 30 73 11 69 - 72 29 69 10 66 - 68 28 66 9 62 - 65 27 62 8 59 - 61 26 59 7 55 - 58 25 55 6 51 - 54 24 51 Bocconi ranks 7th in the world in the FT Masters in Finance pre-experience ranking. With the University reform of 1999, a system of University Training Credits (CFU) has been introduced, which quantifies and represents the volume of work (lessons, individual study, preparation for the exam, research work, etc.) The Bocconi credits system is based on the ECTS, the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System.For courses with Bocconi correspondence, you gain the number of credits assigned to the correspondent Bocconi course; for courses without Bocconi correspondence, you gain the number of credits assigned to a Bocconi elective course. Hinnoittelutyökalu antaa sinulle mahdollisuuden tarkastella jo myytyjen kohteiden hintatietoja ja tehdä niiden perusteella oma arviosi vaihtokoeistasi. Some of the courses you wish to take abroad may have a corresponding Bocconi course, similar in terms of contents (courses with correspondence). The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano is located in one of the most fascinating European regions, at the crossroads between the German and Italian economies and cultures. Starting from a.y. About Scholaro GPA Calculator. 2) Check whether there is a corresponding course offered at Bocconi There is no "American grading system". Please note: the updated ECTS brochures for a given academic year are published every September.Meanwhile you can always refer to the updated course lists available here.. Luiss is one of the first universities in Europe to use the ECTS system. The U.S. GPA is calculated on a 4.0 scale. Alternatively, you may have mistakenly bookmarked the web login form instead of the actual web site you wanted to bookmark or used a link created by somebody else who made the same mistake. TABELLE DI CONVERSIONE VOTI. There is a fairly common 0.0-4.0 scale for "grade-point averages", but the meanings of those GPA differ significantly among different US universities, among different departments at the same university, and in some cases, even between different instructors of the same course. ACADEMIC RECOGNITION OF COURSES TAKEN ABROAD - UPON RETURN. ITALIA GERMANIA Insuff. They commit to respect the quality requirements of the Erasmus Charter lor Higher Education in all aspects related to Please also note that one or more courses taken abroad can be recognized as one Bocconi course, but one course taken abroad can only be recognized with one Bocconi course. Please verify that any procedures for issuing the original transcript for grades obtained at the host school have been completed. Kaikkea mitä yrityksesi tarvitsee. How to select from the universities available for exchange. L'internazionalizzazione è sin dal 1974, anno in cui sono stati siglati i primi accordi di cooperazione internazionale, uno degli obiettivi strategici prioritari perseguiti dall'Università Bocconi. Academic equivalencies for students from Italy. +39.06.4888.211 Don't even try. You can apply to the programs at Bocconi University by registering on our Admissions Portal. La richiesta di autorizzazione alla conversione dovrà essere inviata attraverso l’apposita procedura "Recognition" in Agenda yoU@B, sezione Mobilità Internazionale. Università Bocconi has worked out differentiated convesion tables (Tabelle di Conversione) for each Partner School in order to ensure fair grade conversion between different academic contexts. Tutto quello che c’è da sapere per affrontare al meglio uno dei passaggi più attesi nella vita di un Bocconiano: l’Exchange. CRITERI PER L’ATTRIBUZIONE DEI CREDITI ADOTTATI DAL COLLEGIO DOCENTI CON DELIBERA N. 8 DEL 04.06.2020 TABELLA CONVERSIONE VOTI (Facoltà di Scienze bancarie, finanziarie e assicurative) FRANCIA FRANCIA/BELGIUM Equivalence 9 18 10 20 11 22 11.75 25 12.50 26 13.25 27 14 28 14.75 29 15.50 30 16 30 Over16 30 e lode All our materials are written by students with no intention to substitute the University official ones. The course/s taken abroad, the number of credits gained and the marks/grades obtained have to be converted into the Università Bocconi system. 6 Full academic recognition is a sine qua non condition of student mobility within the framework of the Erasmus + programme. Commissione per gli Scambi Culturali tra l’Italia e gli Stati Uniti U.S.-Italy Fulbright Commission Via Castelfidardo 8, Rome 00185, Italy Tel. Per le altre classi, terze e quarte, si fa riferimento all’allegato A del D.Lgs 62.2017. Università degli Studi di Trieste. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > L'internazionalizzazione è sin dal 1974, anno in cui sono stati siglati i primi accordi di cooperazione internazionale, uno degli obiettivi strategici prioritari perseguiti dall'Università Bocconi. They commit to respect the quality requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education in all aspects related to the organisation and management of the mobility, in particular the recognition of the credits awarded to students by the partner institution. Tabella conversione voti CLA (dall'a.a. Lingua Area linguistica Certificazioni internazionali Ente erogatore Livello Ente 2017/2018) Home; Teaching; Bachelor's degrees Alternatively, you may have mistakenly bookmarked the web login form instead of the actual web site you wanted to bookmark or used a link created by somebody else who made the same mistake. Easily convert grades from any country. Monipuolisesta tuotevalikoimastamme löytyy ammattilaisille suunnitellut tietokoneet, elektroniikkalaitteet sekä kodinkoneet. In order to guarantee the validation of such courses, there are some rules and procedures you must respect and comply with. From January 2014 the new Erasmus+ program has replaced the old programs Consider that both courses with and without Bocconi correspondence may be eligible for validation, but they involve different administrative procedures for you to follow. It is your responsibility to look at the course content summaries in the online course profiles and find possible matches with the courses taught at the partner schools through the above mentioned web tools (Exchange destinations, Course history and students' reports). Opening of Academic Year 2019/2020 and Bocconi's Urban Campus. pieni voti assoluti (110/110) = Bestnote mit Auszeichnung 4) conversione dei punti così assegnati secondo la tabella che segue: fino a punti 55 = voti di laurea 1 dal punti 56 a punti 60 = voti di laurea 2 da punti 61 a punti 65 = voti di laurea 3 da punti 66 a punti 70 = voti di laurea 4 da punti 71 a punti 75 = voti … Tabelle di conversione delle percentuali ECDL in voti in trentesimi (esame 5005) Di seguito è riportata la tabella di conversione da utilizzare per la trasformazione del risultato in percentuale dei test ECDL in voto in trentesimi per l'esame 5005. Its legal status was legislated by the Ministry of Education, University and Research, (decree n. 116, 5 May 2005). Read our in-depth A Level equivalents guide - very useful for comparing international qualifications, and their equivalent grade denominations. E TABELLE DI CONVERSIONE DEI RISULTATI in vigore per le certificazioni sostenute dal 1° gennaio 2012 Dati Certificazione Internazionale Dati Registrazione in carriera 90-100% 30 80-89% 28 71-79% 26 66-70% 24 55-65% 22 90-100% 30 80-89% 28 1 1. Bocconi University and Padua University Bocconi University/Padua University Grades Glasgow Grade 30 e Lode A1 30 A2 29 A3 28 A4 27 A5 26 B1 25 B2 24 B3 23 C1 22 C2 21 C3 20 D1 19 D2 18 D3 16-17 E1 14-15 E2 12-13 E3 10-11 F1 8-9 F2 6-7 F3 3-5 G1 0-2 G2 Rationale Based on the majority of current Glasgow partnerships in Italy. Students are allowed to complete ONLY ONE request for recognition, therefore it is important that this request includes all of the courses that the student may wish to convert from their experience abroad. 7$%(//$ ', &219(56,21( 927, (&76 ) ); ( ' & % $ ) dlo 6xiilflhqw 6dwlvidfwru\ * rrg 9hu\ jrrg h [fh oo h q w , 7$/,$ h h orgh Opening of Academic Year 2019/2020 and Bocconi's Urban Campus. (see Guide to the University ch.9.3.4). 5 19-18 4.7 20 4.3 21 4.0 22 3.7 23 3.3 24 3.0 25 2.7 26 2.3 27 2.0 28 1.7 29 1.3 30-30 e lode 1 It is one of the newest private universities in Italy. Erasmus students are also required to provide the Learning Agreement to our Office and, if applicable, the Changes to the Learning Agreement, duly signed by the host university (for more details please refer to > Student Mobility); students will be able to upload the document/s directly through the recognition portal, available by the yoU@B student Diary. launched the Erasmus mobility programme to enable both students and teaching staff to enrich their academic learning, cultural experience and self-sufficiency. Free online BOCCONI University GPA calculator for college, university, and high school (hs) classes. Please note: students that receive the Transcript at their home address shall upload a copy of it through the Recognition portal, available by the yoU@B student Diary. La conversione del credito, da 40 a 60 punti complessivi, vale solo per gli studenti che sostengono gli esami di Stato nel corrente anno. E’ possibile accorpare due o più esami esteri a copertura di un esame Bocconi, previa approvazione del responsabile del corso Bocconi o del Direttore del corso di laurea. The purpose of the additional materials posted here – without any intention of appropriation – is for them to be an instrument useful for students in making their choices (related to the Exchange program), Malvina Meta – +39 334 8724238 Other courses may not be available within the courses offered at Bocconi (courses without correspondence). The Exchange Program is open to undergraduate students regularly enrolled in their 2nd year of a Bocconi Bachelor Degree. US Italia Belgio Germania Danimarca Spagna Francia Grecia Irlanda Olanda Portogallo UK excellent A+ 30 e lode 20 1 13 10 Mhonor 16 TB très bien 10 1 10 20, 19, 18 1 very good A 29 30 19 1- 12 9 sobresaliente 14 B bien 9 2nd/I 9.5 17 upper 2nd A- 28 18 2+ 11 9 sobresaliente 14 B bien 8 2nd/I 916upper 2nd good B+ 27 17 2 10 8 notable 14 B bien 7 2nd/II 8.5 16 upper 2nd 2b) Steps to be followed if the course/s to take abroad do not have Bocconi correspondence It is also possible to choose courses which have no equivalent among those taught at Università Bocconi, and include them in the Study Plan among the elective courses.Before departure you must first submit by yoU@B Diary - “Recognition” link - an overall description of the course you wish to attend abroad to the Director of your Degree Course or his/her delegate, in order to obtain his/her preliminary approval as elective course without correspondence. The website with the Exchange Program 2021-22 application and selection timeline and rules will be updated around mid January. Nella sezione allegati trovate le nuove tabelle di conversione dei voti degli esami sostenuti all’estero (una per gli scambi Erasmus e una per scambi Overseas e accordi di settore) da utilizzare per gli scambi a partire dall’A.A. This international GPA calculator is intended to help you calculate the United States Grade Point Average (GPA) based on grades or points from almost any country in the world. The institutions named below agree to cooperate for the exchange of students and/or staff in the context of the Erasmus+ programme. Dep.Foreign Languages and Literatures,University of Verona . I voti vanno da 1 (a First) che significa "con lode" a 2:1, 2:2 e 3 (appena superato). If you don't have the correct grades or qualifications to meet … The professor in charge of the corresponding Bocconi course (courses with correspondence) or the Director of your Degree Course / delegate (courses without correspondence) is responsible for the credit validation. 14 > 80 30 cl 80 13 76 - 80 30 cl 76 12 73 - 75 30 73 11 69 - 72 29 69 10 66 - 68 28 66 9 62 - 65 27 62 8 59 - 61 26 59 7 55 - 58 25 55 6 51 - 54 24 51 Programma Erasmus. ACADEMIC RECOGNITION OF COURSES TAKEN ABROAD - BEFORE DEPARTURE. The project includes: a residence hosting 300 students, the new headquarters of the SDA Bocconi School of Management and a multi-purpose sports center. GUIDE ALL'UNIVERSITA' - A.A. 2012-2013. 2017-2018. Full academic recognition requires the period of study abroad (including exams and other forms of evaluation) to effectively substitute a comparable period of study (including exams 2014-2015 this requirement is zero (see Guide to the University ch.9.3.1). Link identifier #link-menu-primary-25771-53 Mobilità nell’ambito di accordi bilaterali – Exchange Students; Link identifier #link-menu-primary-32723-54 Informazioni generali; Link identifier #link-menu-primary-6181-55 Alloggi; Link identifier #link-menu-primary-28199-56 STUDENTI IN USCITA . Students will be informed via their yoU@B student Diary when the request has been processed. In 1987, the E.U. See more In gran Bretagna, una prima laurea generalmente richiede una frequentazione di 3 anni scolastici, anche se ce ne sono che richiedono 4 o anche 5 anni (la medicina ecc). Quando il tuo cio ha un odore forte, generalmente prenderai bocconi più piccoli e mangerai meno. min)? One of the world’s leading hospitality schools. They commit to respect the quality requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education in all aspects related to the organisation and management of