BENEDICT PP. In the early morning of April 6, 2009 a 20 seconds lasting earthquake with magnitude 6,9 (followed later by weaker aftershocks) occurred near the city of L´Aquila … The 2009 L'Aquila earthquake was an earthquake that occurred in the region of Abruzzo, in central Italy.The main shock occurred at 3:32 local time (1:32 UTC) on 6 April 2009, and was rated 5.8 on the Richter scale and 6.3 on the moment magnitude scale; [5] its epicentre was near L'Aquila, the capital of Abruzzo, which together with surrounding villages suffered most damage. Categoria: Il terremoto dell’Aquila del 2009. Ez a jelzés csupán a megfogalmazás eredetét jelzi, nem szolgál a cikkben szereplő információk forrásmegjelöléseként. Semestrale di Studi e Ricerche di Geografia, Roma, in 3 … Introduction [2] On April 6th 2009 (1:32 UTC, 3:32 local time), a Mw6.3 earthquake struck central Italy, devastating the L'Aquila town and surrounding villages of the Abruzzi region, causing 300 deaths and leaving sixty thousand homeless. / L'Aquila, il tragico terremoto, i restauri, e la burocrazia del governo italiano (2009-20). Il 6 aprile 2009, alle ore 3.32 del mattino, un forte terremoto di magnitudo Richter pari a 5.8 ha colpito la città di L’Aquila e i suoi dintorni. 1. Rapporto The L'Aquila 2009 earthquake: an application of the … Le Cause e le Conseguenze del Terremoto [10] C. Pesaresi and F. Nebbia, “L’Aquila e Onna, un Anno (6 aprile 2009) in Chiave Applicativa e Interdisciplinare, Dopo il Terremoto del 6 Aprile 2009,” Geografia, Vol. it I danni del terremoto a L'Aquila, Abruzzo: foto e immagini („Urmările cutremurului din L'Aquila, Italia: imagini”) it Intervista di Bruno Vespa a Giampaolo Giuliani del 06.04.2009 („Interviu făcut de Bruno Vespa lui Giampaolo Giuliani din 06.04.2009”) en Fotografii din zonele afectate de cutremur. [3] O epicentro localizouse na cidade de L'Aquila, rexión de Abruzzo, mentres que en Roma a súa magnitude … L’Aquila, devastated by a 2009 earthquake, is Italy’s largest construction site. On 6th April 2009 an earthquake of magnitude M w = 6.3 occurred in the Abruzzo region; the epicentre was very close to the city of L’Aquila (about 6 km away). La profondità stimata del terremoto è 8 km, caratteristica dei terremoti appenninici. L’Aquila is a very extensive municipality (467 km 2, pop. Il terremoto ha provocato 308 vittime, la maggior parte delle quali nel centro storico dell’Aquila (circa 200), ad Onna (41) ed a Villa Sant’Angelo (17). A similar fluid migration was observed during … , 2016 ) to unpack different aspects of the emergency and recovery of L’Aquila and nearby areas. The 2009 L'Aquila earthquake occurred in the region of Abruzzo, in central Italy.The main shock occurred at 03:32 CEST (01:32 UTC) on 6 April 2009, and was rated 5.8 or 5.9 on the Richter magnitude scale and 6.3 on the moment magnitude scale; [8] its epicentre was near L'Aquila, the capital of Abruzzo, which together with surrounding villages suffered the most damage. Ligazóns externas modificadas (setembro 2018) Ola compañeiros editores, Acabo de modificar 1 ligazóns externas en Terremoto de L'Aquila de 2009.Por favor tomádevos un momento para revisar a miña edición.Se tedes calquera pregunta, ou precisades que o bot ignore ben estas ligazóns ou ben a páxina por completo, por favor visitade este FAQ para máis información. Ricordando il terremoto del 6 aprile 2009: 4) Il rilievo del … Seismology::04.06.99. After the April 6th 2009 L’Aquila earthquake (M w 6.3), where 306 people died and a further 60,000 were displaced, seismic microzoning investigations have been carried out for towns affected by a macroseismic intensity equal to or greater than 7 MCS. Solid Earth::04.06. O terremoto de L'Aquila de 2009 foi un sismo de 6,3 graos na escala sismolóxica de magnitude de momento segundo a United States Geological Survey [1] (6,7 graos na escala de Richter) [2] rexistrado o día 6 de abril de 2009 na zona central da península Itálica. TO ARCHBISHOP GIUSEPPE MOLINARI OF L’AQUILA READ AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FUNERAL MASS FOR THE VICTIMS OF THE EARTHQUAKE . 63,688), not least because it was a reservoir of population 24 times bigger than the next largest affected settlement (Tornimparte, 3,002 inhabitants). Cause :: PRO TERREMOTO ABRUZZO. 1. Gruppi operativi in emergenza Il terremoto dell'Aquila del 2009 MONITORAGGIO E ATTIVITÀ in EMERGENZA TERREMOTI IN ITALIA. One needs to be removed. I have seen comments that at one time (1970s?) ), L’Aquila e il cratere sismico. ... a surgeon in the picturesque town of L’Aquila, the quake’s epicenter, who lost his wife and his … Early Monday morning, central Italy was struck by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake. L’Aquila’s earthquake in April 2009 provoked damage and loss to people, communities, the economy and the environment. some people thought a prediction would cause mass panic, etc. The majority of the damage occurred in the medieval city of L'Aquila and in its province. Conto Corrente Postale n. 300004 intestato a: “Croce Rossa Italiana, via Toscana 12 – 00187 Roma c/c postale n° 300004 Codice IBAN: IT24 – X076 0103 2000 0000 0300 004 Causale: Causale PRO TERREMOTO ABRUZZO. described evidence that the M w 6.15 main event of 2009 April 6 has been driven by the complex migration of fluids started on 2009 March 30 by a M w 4.08 event. An analysis of the main damage that reinforced concrete (RC) structures showed after the event is presented in this study. On 6 April 2009, a 6.3 moment magnitude (M W) earthquake devastated L'Aquila, the capital of the Italian region of Abruzzo, and some neighboring municipalities.In total, there were 309 deaths and about 1600 injured. Yet much of it still feels like a ghost town, a sobering sign for cities struck by more recent quakes. La rottura della faglia responsabile del mainshock si è enucleata ad una profondità di circa 9 km (INGV, 2009) su una struttura normale orientata N135°/55° (USGS, 20092), lungo About the L'Aquila main shock, Lucente et al. The event produced casualties and damage to buildings, lifelines and other infrastructures. Ez a szócikk részben vagy egészben a Terremoto dell'Aquila del 2009 című olasz Wikipédia-szócikk fordításán alapul. Le Cause e le Conseguenze del Terremoto (6 aprile 2009) in Chiave Applicativa e Interdisciplinare, Semestrale di … Since then, several works have adopted a human and social science perspective (e.g. Carnelli et al. This region of central Apennines has one of the highest seismic hazard in Italy [Akinci et al., 2009, and references therein]. Terremoto L' AQUILA 6 aprile 2009: La scossa di magnitudo 5.9 che causò 309 VITTIME. Donazioni on line: ONLINE DONATIONS The death toll in the earthquake was dominated by L’Aquila city (2009 pop. L'Aquila, The Tragic Earthquake, the Restorations, and the Italian Government Bureaucracy . L'Aquila 2009 macroseismics: Subject Classification: 04. The earthquake caused the death of 309 people, with more than 1,600 individuals injured among whom 200 were severely injured and hospitalized, and 66,000 displaced. On April 6, 2009 at 3.32 a.m., an earthquake (6.3 Mw) hit the city of L'Aquila (Abruzzo), in central Italy, a town with 72,000 inhabitants and a health district of 105,000 residents. Castenetto S., “Il terremoto del 6 aprile 2009 e gli studi di Microzonazione Sismica per la ricostruzione dell’area aquilana”, in Pesaresi C. The 2009 L'Aquila earthquake occurred in the region of Abruzzo, in central Italy.The main shock occurred at 03:32 CEST (01:32 UTC) on 6 April 2009, and was rated 5.8 or 5.9 on the Richter magnitude scale and 6.3 on the moment magnitude scale; its epicentre was near L'Aquila, the capital of Abruzzo, which together with surrounding villages suffered most damage. The trial and conviction of seven public officials in L’Aquila, central Italy, for having allegedly given out misleading and incorrect information to the public before the 6 April 2009 earthquake has proved to be one of the most momentous developments of recent times in science and disaster risk reduction—and also one of the most misunderstood. The numbers of buildings damaged and people evacuated are counted in tens of thousands, and the provisional … 72,988) that contains 14 villages and 7 hamlets. Az eredeti cikk szerkesztőit annak laptörténete sorolja fel. The main reason the earthquake struck was because L'Aquila is located in between the African and Eurasian plates. To dear Archbishop Giuseppe Molinari and to all of you, dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, ... From the Vatican, 9 April 2009 . (Ed. Oltre 1.600 feriti, circa 80.000 sfollati. Ricordiamo che il devastante terremoto del 6 aprile del 2009 (magnitudo 5.9; VIII-IX scala Mercalli) oltre ad avere spezzato tragicamente 309 vite e causato oltre 1600 feriti, ha investito gravemente il vasto patrimonio edilizio, residenziale e pubblico, nonché importanti tesori d’arte e d’architettura de L’Aquila e di 55 comuni abruzzesi. found: Work cat: 2014426108: L'università e la ricerca per l'Abruzzo, 2011: (terremoto del 6 aprile 2009) p. 11 (terremoto dell'Aquila) found : Encyclopedia Britannica online, viewed Nov. 5, 2014: Abruzzi entry (An earthquake that struck L'Aquila on April 6, 2009, damaged many of the city's medieval buildings and killed more than 275 people) ... Emergenza_Terremoto_Abruzzo_2009_-_12.jpg, in two positions. Background: an earthquake of 6.3 magnitude struck the town and province of L'Aquila on 6th April 2009. The 2009 L'Aquila earthquake caused serious damage to several medieval hill towns in … Alan Taylor, 360° panorama photo from L'Aquila: un viaggio virtuale nella Zona Rossa dopo il terremoto del 6 Aprile 2009 by Mauro Contrafatto | Galli P. and Camassi R. (eds); 2009: Rapporto sugli effetti del terremoto aquilano del 6 aprile 2009. G. Forino, “Riflessioni Geografiche sul Disaster Manage ment all’Aquila,” In: C. Pesaresi, Ed., L’Aquila e il Cra tere Sismico. XVI Introduction. English: The 2009 L'Aquila earthquake was an earthquake of 6.3 moment magnitude that occurred on 6 April 2009 in the central Italian region of Abruzzo and claimed nearly 300 lifes. Indictments Over 2009 Quake Cause Quite a Furor.